Farida Abraham Memorial Debate and Quiz competition

In the Farida Abraham Memorial Debate & Quiz competition held in La Martiniere Girls College, Lucknow, Boys’ High School participated in both competitions.

The 7th edition of FAMDQ saw exemplary participants showcasing their intellect and oration skills on May 11, 2024 and May 12, 2024.

With 23 school teams competing, the competition was fierce.

Boys’ High School and College along with La Martiniere College, Lucknow, Vasant Valley School, New Delhi, CMS Lucknow, Bishop Cotton Shimla, St. Francis College, Lucknow advanced to the final round of the quiz.

In the final round of the quiz competition, Boys’ High School and College emerged as the runners up team – second to Vasant Valley School, New Delhi.

It’s a great achievement for our quiz team represented by:

  1. Shreyansh Vinay
  2. Prathit Bhadauriya

Congratulations to team BHS along with the staff of BHS.

Congratulations and a big thank you to our Principal, Mr. D. A. Luke and our Academic Supervisor Mrs. C B. Luke for their unstinted support to us.