The Naval wing was raised in India in July 1952 The cadets are given basic drill training, warships, navigation, map reading and arms. Regular parades are held and latest techniques are taught to the students in naval warfare. In Boys’ High School and College, Naval Wing was started with the aim to develop the spirit of adventure and inculcate the ideals of selfless service among the children. With the passage of time, there was a demand to increase the sanctioned strength, considering the craze of children to join the Naval Wing. At present, the sanctioned strength is 50 in the Junior Division.. Plans are on the card to open NCC Naval Wing in the Senior Division.

1. The NCC enrolment for cadets began in April 2022, under the guidance of PI instructor from 1 UP NAVAL Unit.
2. The training of 31 cadets started from May 2023. The cadets were taught about ships and its working.
3. The NCC cadets had regular parade practices on every Tuesday and Friday. During parades, the cadets were taught about marching, saluting and arms drill.
4. Formal parades were held on 15th August and 26th January where the cadets took part with full enthusiasm and turned up smartly in their uniform
5. Seminars and campaigns on social welfare issues were also organized. A campaign on the importance of millets in our lives was organized on International Millets Year declared by central government.
6. The cadets took part in various social activities and in competition like debates, elocution, painting, essay writing, ,chart making highlighting the activities of the Naval Wing of NCC.
7. On International Yoga Day June 21sh.. the cadets performed yoga under the guidance of yogacharya, Mr. P. Mishra. The cadets also spread awareness on the importance of yoga in our day to day to lives.
8. The cadets participated in the ten-day Combined Annual Training Camp-64 held at Ewing Christian College from September 2nd to 12th
9. In the camp, our cadets took part in various activities including sports and cultural events. The cadets were taught about the Aircraft Carrier, Minesweeper, Frigates, Patrolling and other types of ships.
10. Our daily routine was to wake up at 5:00 am and from 8:30 to 10:30. At 11:00 am, we had our regular class regarding ‘A’ certificate examinations From 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm, we are trained in exercises and drill practice.
11. On the last day of camp, our Commanding Officer (CO), Camp, Lt. Cdr. Gaurav Rampal and CO Unit, Capt. Vaibhav Tripathi praised us about the cleanliness and our behaviour.
12. One of our, cadet Vishal Singh was selected for R.D.C camp. He attended the R.D.C camp and he was adjudged as the Best Cadet of Uttar Pradesh.
13. Our Associate NCC Officer, Mr. Shivang Mishra attended All India Nau Sena Camp held at Vishakhapatnam as a Contigent Commander of Directorate of NCC Headquarters, UP. from October 1st to 15th , 2022 and got the opportunity to meet Lt. Gen. Gurbil Pal Singh, AVSM, VSM, Director General, NCC
14. We would like to thank our Principal, Mr. D. A. Luke for his guidance, support and motivation.